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Business Litigation Archives

Billion-dollar corporate dispute settled in the middle of trial

Michigan businesses often strive for certainty, whether it be in economic conditions or in other factors that impact the businesses' bottom line. This preference for certainty can play a part when it comes to business litigation as well, as companies often want to resolve a corporate dispute in a way that gives them control and certainty over the outcome.

Making the difficult decisions in business and in litigation

When conflict arises for Michigan businesses, there are many different possible outcomes. Which outcome actually occurs depends on a number of factors, including how the business handles the dispute and what its objectives are in resolving the matter.

Businesses resolve local trademark, unfair competition dispute

Michigan businesses put a lot of energy into distinguishing themselves from their competitors. Whether it is creating a better product, providing better service or putting resources to use in a strategic manner, businesses know they must set themselves apart from competitors in order to turn a profit. From time to time, disputes arise between companies when these competitive advantages appear to be taken or used by competitors.

Setting the record straight after an unfavorable decision

When serious disputes arise between Detroit residents, everyone deserves their day in court. And yet, even at the end of hard-fought litigation and a full trial, the judge or jury deciding the case does not always see things the same way as the company involved in the dispute. This can be disheartening, but, fortunately, businesses have options to get things right when the judge or jury does not.

When business disputes develop, do you know where to turn?

When Detroit residents are unfamiliar with a certain issue, they may not even be aware of just how much they do not know. In other words, there can be important matters that a person may not know about unless he or she is experienced in a given area.

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