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June 2016 Archives

When employment disputes arise, do you have a strategy?

Michigan employers work hard to find qualified, hard-working employees who are dedicated to the company and its future. Difficult situations can arise from time to time with even the best employees, however, such as when allegations of wrongdoing arise.

How do I start my own business?

Starting a business is a dream for many people but there are important legal steps new entrepreneurs should be familiar with during the business planning process. Hopeful entrepreneurs starting a business may wonder what some of the steps to starting a new business are. The first step is to write a business plan that will help guide the business owner and business towards a successful future.

Employer faces allegation of religious discrimination

With the vast number of people with different cultural beliefs, religions and manners of dress, it is unavoidable that Michigan businesses will occasionally get caught up in allegations of violations of employee civil rights. When there are assertions that an employer has taken actions that amount to discrimination, it can lead to a lawsuit. The lawsuit is a problem on its own, but many businesses cannot survive even the perception that it is treating a member of a protected class illegally or is violating the law. This is why it is important for businesses to lodge a strong defense against charges of this kind.

In business, conquering adversity legal issues is key

Michigan business owners know that adversity is an inevitable part of running a successful business. There is no shortage of situations that can produce adversity in the business world. For some, there may be problems negotiating a lease or signing off on a purchase agreement for real or personal property. For others, there may be employment problems that need to be addressed in a sensitive manner.

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