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Contract Disputes Archives

In business, conquering adversity legal issues is key

Michigan business owners know that adversity is an inevitable part of running a successful business. There is no shortage of situations that can produce adversity in the business world. For some, there may be problems negotiating a lease or signing off on a purchase agreement for real or personal property. For others, there may be employment problems that need to be addressed in a sensitive manner.

When contract disputes arise, are your best interests protected?

When Michigan residents become involved in disputes with one another, there are certain ground rules that often must be followed. This is certainly the case when it comes to litigation, as there are numerous rules that apply to the matter.

When contracts are disputed, are your interests protected?

When Michigan residents make agreements with one another, it is often thought that reducing the agreement to writing will protect the person from future disputes. While it certainly is a good idea to have a written contract executed, particularly for significant transactions, a written contract alone will not prevent all future disputes.

How is a contract interpreted by the court?

In the legal system, as in life, everyone is expected to play by the rules. There are a number of different kinds of rules that govern a legal dispute between Michigan residents, including rules about the procedure of the case, rules that determine what evidence is or is not admissible and rules that apply to the court process itself.

Breach of contract claim filed against famed commercial actor

Disputes can arise between business partners and other parties. Legal disputes frequently originate after business relationships sour or projects fall apart. This is not always how it works, however, as disputes can arise even when things are going well.

Federal lawsuit filed in Michigan over luxurious handbags

Detroit residents make agreements with each other on a daily basis, whether they realize it or not. Individuals deal with one another at home and in the office by agreeing on a certain course of action and following through with those agreements.

Michigan woman, contractor spar over home contract

Detroit residents make agreements with one another multiple times each day. Whether it is deciding what to eat for dinner at home or making a deal in the office, individuals are more well-equipped to compromise and reach an agreement than they might realize. Of course, the higher the stakes involved in the agreement, the more important it may be to ensure a person has protected himself or herself in the agreement.

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