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Making the difficult decisions in business and in litigation

When conflict arises for Michigan businesses, there are many different possible outcomes. Which outcome actually occurs depends on a number of factors, including how the business handles the dispute and what its objectives are in resolving the matter.

For instance, last week this blog discussed a business dispute between two companies involving allegations of trademark infringement and unfair competition. While the case proceeded to litigation, the matter was ultimately resolved through a settlement agreement.

Settlement is a common result in many cases, whether they are settled shortly after the dispute arises or just hours before trial. Businesses often find it more advantageous to settle a case in order to put the dispute behind them and walk away on their own terms with a resolution that is fair.

In other cases, however, settlement may not be possible or advised because of the underlying circumstances. The business may stand more to gain by taking the case to trial, for example, or the other party might not be acting reasonably if and when settlement discussions occur. Accordingly, it can be a fine line between knowing when to settle a case and knowing when to pursue the matter further.

Our firm has helped numerous business clients make these difficult decisions when contentious disputes arise. We provide effective advice to our clients based on the specific facts of their case and what is in their best interests. While our clients make the decision of whether to settle a case or have their day in court, we do everything in our power to provide effective and zealous representation to our clients and ensure that they are capable of making a fully informed decision. For more information on our firm's services, please visit our webpage on business disputes.

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