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March 2017 Archives

Employment at-will, wrongful termination and resolving employment disputes

For most people, job security is an important feature—or desired feature—of their work, and yet many people do not realize that the general rule of employment is that it is at-will. This means that, just as an employee can terminate the employment relationship at any time, for any reason, employers also generally have the same right.

Recently passed law requires licensure for all Michigan midwives, P.2

In our previous post, we began discussing a new Michigan law which requires all midwives throughout the state to obtain licensure in order to practice midwifery. The idea behind the requirement is to ensure that women and their babies are protected by ensuring better oversight of the practice of midwifery throughout the state.

Recently passed law requires licensure for all Michigan midwives

Most women choose to have their families in a hospital setting with an experienced team of nurses and physicians to assist them in their delivery. In some cases, women may make use of a nurse midwife in a hospital setting. Nevertheless, the vast majority of women choose to be in a hospital when they give birth.

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