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Michigan-based 5-Hour Energy to be sued

The company that makes 5-Hour Energy, known as Innovation Ventures LLC, is based in Michigan, having its headquarters in Farmington Hills. The company is now going to face business litigation from several different sources, including the Oregon Department of Justice. However, the state of Michigan itself is not expected to be part of the lawsuit.

On the whole, the lawsuit centers around what the prosecution says were deceptive advertising practices. They claim that the company acted like the entire mix of ingredients is what gave the people who took the drink the energy that they wanted. However, they say that this was not true, and that only caffeine -- served in a highly concentrated form -- was used as an active ingredient.

Beyond that, the litigation says that the company was deceptive in telling consumers how the product would impact them. When marketing 5-Hour Energy, they said that there would not be a crash for those who took it. The prosecution says that this was misleading, implying that there would be a crash, similar to what people would get from caffeine from other sources.

For its part, the company does not agree with the lawsuit. They released a statement saying that the thought they were just being bullied, and they seem poised to fight the case.

Anyone who owns a company that may be facing litigation needs to know what legal options they have. This way, they can decide how they want to handle the case and what they can do to fight the allegations if they feel that those allegations are untrue or baseless.

Source: Crain's Detroit Business, "Bernstein bike collision; Troy money manager's court win; 5-Hour Energy lawsuit" Chad Halcom, Jul. 23, 2014

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