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June 2015 Archives

Who can be a victim of sexual harassment in the workplace?

When it comes to hot button issues, there often tends to be a lot of myths and misinformation spread to Detroit residents. A good example of this is with sexual harassment in the workplace, which often is misunderstood by many until they have direct experience with it.

How does the law apply to your business startup?

Many Detroit residents have dreams they have spent years hoping to fulfill. When a major goal is set, it can take much time and effort to realize that goal. Individuals must have the know-how, motivation and resources to accomplish the goal, which can be easier said than done in some cases.

What types of mergers are available to Michigan businesses?

Mergers and acquisitions occur regularly in the course of business in Michigan. These complex business transactions often serve as a way to help two businesses grow in what can sometimes be a cut-throat environment. However, some business owners may not be aware that there are various types of mergers available to businesses in Michigan.

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30833 Northwestern Hwy.
Farmington Hills, MI 48334

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