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April 2015 Archives

Monetary prowess in business steers mergers and acquisitions

One of the topics that too many people know very little about is business. Unless one owns a business or are a partner in a business, there is a strong likelihood that one does not pay much attention to mergers and acquisitions. With that being said, however, for those of you in Detroit who are interested in business matters, understanding and knowing mergers and acquisitions is important. This is because there may be a time when members of a business want to either combine their business resources and capital with another thriving company, or acquire another business. Mergers and acquisitions exist for big businesses and smaller businesses alike.

What contract law factors bring a contract into existence?

Contractual disputes can come in many different shapes and forms because contractual relationships can be made between just about anyone, with some exceptions, of course. There are many rules and regulations governing contract law and these rules differ depending on the type of contract that is being considered. For instance, vendor contracts, real estate contracts and employment contracts will most likely all have contrasting contractual terms. However, the essence of the contractual relationship is basically the same. Certain requirements must be present for a valid contract to exist.

Retailers work to improve public image with wage increases

Employers face a variety of pressures to stay profitable in today’s economy. One wrong move and public opinion and legal issues can create a dent in the business’s bottom line. Employment litigation can often drag out in the public arena, wreaking havoc for a company. In order to avoid problems, employers often need to understand current employment laws and hot-button issues. In recent months, the issue of raising the minimum wage has been at the forefront of many American’s minds.

Former CEO looks to litigate over an employment contract

Every employee has rights at their place of work. There are mandated governmental rights that apply to everyone that has a job. For instance, the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission, commonly known as EEOC, enforces federal laws with respect to discrimination in the workplace. Basically, employers cannot discriminate against individuals who are either employed or seeking employment on the basis of race, religion, sexual orientation, and the like. Federal laws such as these are in place to support claims of workplace discrimination, where appropriate.

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