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March 2015 Archives

Why you need a top notch commercial litigator for your dispute

Businesses today have an obligation to follow federal and state law. This can lead to the most routine of paperwork - or it can possibly lead to a complicated lawsuit. It is important to start out on the right foot in order to avoid the latter. The lawyers at Kaufman, Payton & Chapa excel in this area of commercial litigation as well as focusing on litigation between companies. This could come in handy if there was an issue of breach of contract.

What are some legal remedies for breach of contract in Michigan?

When handling matters between two or more businesses it is commonplace for a written agreement, or contract, to be in place. This helps manage the expectations and duties that each party agrees to uphold in order for the businesses to achieve goals. However, not every business plan or contract will happen according to plan. Sometimes, for various reasons, one or both sides of an agreement do not uphold their contractual obligations. This is called breach of contract, and commercial litigation may result.

Two giants in the tech industry settle their contract dispute

Contract disputes can range from the grand to the petite. Major companies as well as family members can be involved in a contractual conflict. The only requirement for a contract dispute to exist is that there is a valid and enforceable contract wherein there is a disagreement either over contract provisions or how the contract is being handled. In most cases, where the dispute cannot be resolved between the parties, the courts get involved to determine an outcome that is based on applicable contractual principles and provisions.

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