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February 2015 Archives

Creating a fiduciary relationship with investment brokers

Business relationships can be difficult for the layperson to understand because the terminology used when speaking of these relationships is often complex and confusing. Those that go into business together have certain responsibilities to one anther depending on the nature of the relationship. All businesses are comprised of individuals that are responsible for ensuring that the business thrives on a financial level. People are entrusted with a degree of autonomy to make sound business decisions for the sake of the company as well as for shareholders, the owners and the like. Each trustee of a business has certain duties to which they must adhere.

What should new business owners look to do first?

Part of the American dream for some is to own one's own business. There is a lot that goes into starting up a new business, things that people may not even think about. Once you come up with an idea for your new business the next most important step is to figure out how the business is going to be financed. Money is absolutely necessary for any business to thrive. Not only is money needed to thrive but also money is needed in order for a business to exist. Financial outlets are vital to a start-up business. Securing appropriate financial backing is paramount.

Expanding protections for all Michigan employees

Employees are afforded certain protections by virtue of their employment. Depending on where you are employed, you as an employee have rights when it comes to your job. Now, there is a difference when speaking about those employed in the public sector versus those employed in the private sector. Public sector employees can look to the Equal Employment Opportunities Commission (EEOC) and Title Vii when facing possible discrimination at work. Employees in the private sector fall under the umbrella of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) when dealing with workplace concerns such as discrimination, harassment, and the like.

Staples to buy Office Depot

In a recently announced move, reports indicate that the office supplies giant Staples has purchased a rival office supplies giant, Office Depot. This consolidation is taking place a little over a year since Office Depot merged with Office Max in November of 2013. Staples offered a cash and stock deal of $6 billion.

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