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May 2014 Archives

Off-reservation casino in Michigan cannot be shut down

A casino in Michigan was opened back in 2010, using funds that a local tribe had gotten based on a government settlement for treaties signed back in the 1800s, and it has been a subject of contention ever since. According to some, the problem was that it was actually 90 miles from the reservation. They also said that the casino was constructed and opened to the public without getting the necessary permission from the government.

Food service at Michigan prisons locked in dispute

Two unions have stepped up and challenged the way that food service is being handled at prisons in Michigan, including those in Detroit, but no steps have so far been taken to get past the issue, as the sides appear to be deadlocked. This means that Aramark, which has been serving food, is going to continue to do so for the foreseeable future, though the debate continues.

2 free newspapers will merge in Detroit

Two free newspapers are going to merge in Detroit, Michigan, according to a recent statement that was released. The papers in question are "Real Detroit Weekly" and the "Detroit Metro Times." After the merger, they are simply going to keep the name of "Metro Times." However, by coming together, they allege that they will have the largest alternative weekly paper in all of Michigan.

Custodial dispute involves contract details in Detroit

In Detroit, Michigan, the public school system hires an outside custodial company to clean the buildings, rather than having internal employees do the work. However, that company is now threatening to cease working, alleging that the school system still owes them more than $18 million.

Big changes coming to Michigan cable customers

The merger between Comcast and Time Warner Cable has been making headlines, and some of the impact could be felt by people in Michigan, according to recent reports. Comcast needs to get through certain regulatory approval processes, and that means the company will need to move some of their customers over to a new provider. This will go for cable Internet, cable television and voice services, all of which Comcast provides right now.

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