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Huge merger may come to boards in Michigan

A huge merger may take place in Michigan, though it will involve two groups that some people may not have heard of or considered before. These groups are the Northwest Michigan Workforce Development board and the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments.

In part, the two boards are coming together because the governor in Michigan has been asking the government to do what it can to become as efficient as possible. He has pointed to sharing services as one way that they can do that.

With this in mind, the boards are hoping to increase efficiency through many shared aspects that they previously have been doing on their own. For instance, they both have separate audits and accounting streams, according to one member. They have two different books to keep records.

The Director of Regional Planning and Community Development, who is part of the Northwest Michigan Council of Governments, suggested that all of these things could be brought together into one. However, they do not really look at this as a traditional merger, with two groups becoming a single group. They look at it more like two boards that will still function on their own, but that will share some aspects and meet together.

The director is the one who made that distinction, and he also stated that they did not yet have any solid figures when it came to savings but felt they could end up saving a significant total.

The way that the government runs and functions can have a drastic impact on anyone in the workforce, even if they do not know what governing bodies are responsible for all decisions that are made. This is an important story that all workers in Michigan should follow to better understand those governmental functions and the way that mergers could alter them.

Source: Boyne City Gazette, "Major merger considered" Benjamin Gohs, Jun. 09, 2014

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